African Mission
CDM in Africa provides systematic theology and ministry training (curriculum from Institute For Training In Ministry, iTIM), to produce qualified church pastors and leaders among the African and diaspora Chinese who can rightly handle the word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15) and teach others (2 Tim. 2:2), so that the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) is fulfilled through church planting in unreached areas of Africa.
华人散聚事工Chinese Diaspora Mission
CDM is dedicated in helping Chinese missionaries to mobilize, equip, and send out missionaries who will make disciples among the diaspora and beyond.

Bible Teaching Platform
We have established the iTIM discipleship training center in Africa, using the iTIM (Institute of Training in Ministry) program, consisting of 5 series with a total of 18 courses, starting with church pastors and leaders and carrying out systematic discipleship based on the Word of God.

Short-Term Mission Resource Platform
We organize short-term mission trips every year to participate in iTIM discipleship and mission training across Africa, to train Africa pastors and Chinese missionaries. We actively promote short-term missions to develop systematic partnership.

Long-Term Mission Resource Platform
We collaborate with the Chinese churches in sending long-term missionaries, including expatriates who work in foreign countries together with the local missionaries from the African churches, to start schools, develop communities, and plant churches, with the chief goal of making disciples of Christ and transforming cultures.